Xbox Acquires Bethesda!

HUGE news this morning in the gaming world as the title says, but there is more info to be explained. Xbox dropped a big bag this morning buying the whole lot of companies for a whopping 7.5 BILLION CASH! Not only get Bethesda they bought the parent company Zenimax which owns a plethora of companies being;

  • Id Software(Developers of DOOM, Quake and Rage series)
  • Arkane Studios(Developers of Prey and Dishonored)
  • MachineGames(Developers of Wolfenstine series)
  • Tango Gameworks(Developers of The Evil WIthin series)
  • ZeniMax Online Studios(Developers of The Elder Scroll Online)
  • Bethesda Game Studios(Developers of Fallout and The Elder Scroll series)

This is game changing(no pun intended) news, the gives Xbox exclusivity over some of the biggest games that are yet to come, Elder Scroll VI, Wolfenstine 3, Starfield and any other sequel that comes from those games, this doesn’t necessarily mean that those games wont come to Playstation but more than likely they will be timed exclusives on Xbox and PC. This puts Deathloop and Ghostwire into question, will these still be timed PS5 exclusives or will they release on both consoles the same time? Last but not least a lot of previous titles will be coming to Xbox Game Pass and newer one will be on there day one. This is a huge power move by Xbox in my opinion mainly because of The Elder Scroll VI, we all know the success Skyrim had and now those die hard fans that aren’t on PC are gonna be contemplating getting Series X/S so they know they can play it day one when it ever comes out. Lets not forget a couple weeks back Xbox also made a big deal with EA to combine EA Plays and Game Pass to bring a lot of their titles and perks to the platform. This comes at a time where the public eye is not too keen with Sony with how they handled the pre orders and how they’re handling some of their newer titles coming next year, so right now Xbox is coming with win after win lets see if on the 22nd how fast these Series X/S sell out as that is the their pre order date. Did Xbox just shift next gen into their favor, does this make you wanna grab a X/S over a PS5?